// ==UserScript== // @name 不知名系列-继续教育 安徽继续教育在线(请看附加信息) // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 2023.09.23 // @description try to take over the world! // @author 不知名打工仔 // @match https://main.ahjxjy.cn/study/* // @match http://www.ahjxjy.cn/study/html/content/sxsk/* // @match http://www.ahjxjy.cn/study/html/content/studying/* // @require https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js // @grant GM_log // @grant GM_notification // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant unsafeWindow // ==/UserScript== // 说明 // 链接格式 // 在线作业: http://www.ahjxjy.cn/study/html/content/studying/?courseOpenId=nl6waows-irps8zsjcrqaq&cellId=7epbaeysrr1cgsazgdk-1q&schoolCode=026#type=comment // 答案页: http://www.ahjxjy.cn/study/html/content/studying/?courseOpenId=nl6waows-irps8zsjcrqaq&cellId=7epbaeysrr1cgsazgdk-1q&schoolCode=026#type=comment // 考试页: http://www.ahjxjy.cn/study/html/content/sxsk/?courseOpenId=1yaxaowslkzokvr3qu-xza&schoolCode=026 // 考试答案页: http://www.ahjxjy.cn/study/html/content/sxsk/?courseOpenId=1yaxaowslkzokvr3qu-xza&schoolCode=026 unsafeWindow.alert = function(){return false}; window.alert = function(){return false}; Window.prototype.alert = function(){return false}; unsafeWindow.confirm = function(){return true}; window.confirm = function(){return true}; Window.prototype.confirm = function(){return true}; var flags = document.getElementsByClassName('e-selects-g') if(flags.length < 1){ setInterval(function(){ var current_video = document.querySelector('video') if(current_video){ if (current_video.ended == false) { var durations = document.querySelector('video').duration document.querySelector('video').currentTime = durations } if (document.getElementsByClassName('btn btn-green')) { document.getElementsByClassName('btn btn-green')[0].click() } }else{ if (document.getElementsByClassName('preNext next').length > 0){ if (document.getElementsByClassName('preNext next')[0].title == '下一单元'){ document.getElementsByClassName('preNext next')[0].style == 'opacity: 0.3; display: block;' document.getElementsByClassName('preNext next')[0].click() } } } },5000) } (function() { // ----------------- // 全局配置 // ----------------- var current_url = window.location.href; // ----------------- // 自动处理逻辑 // ----------------- addStatusBoard(); document.getElementById("autoExam").addEventListener ("click", tryToExam); GM_log('当前链接: ' + current_url); // ----------------- // 公共函数 // ----------------- function getPageName() { if (current_url.indexOf('content/studying') != -1) { return "homework"; } else if (current_url.indexOf('content/sxsk') != -1) { return "exam"; } else { return "other"; } } //自动刷课时 var confirm = function () { return true; }; window.confirm = function () { return true; }; /** * 在线作业开始 **/ function doHomework() { document.getElementById("autoExam").hidden = true; (async () => { await wait(5000); tryToAnswer(); collectAnswers(); })(); } // 收集答案 function doExam() { let btns = document.querySelectorAll(".e-save>a"); console.log(btns); console.log('======================') if (btns.length == 0|| (btns && btns[0] && btns[0].textContent == "重做")) { console.log("已确认,目前在错题答案页"); } // 逐一收集答案 let questions = document.querySelectorAll(".e-q"); for (let question of questions) { let title = question.querySelector(".e-q-q").textContent.trim(); try { // 问答题 let answers = question.querySelector(".e-ans-r").textContent.trim(); if (!GM_getValue(title, "")) { console.log("save question answer: " + title); GM_setValue(title, answers) } } catch (e) { continue } } (async () => { await wait(3000); btns[0].click(); SubmitForCollectAnswers() })(); } /** * 需要等待考题出现,因为前面要开摄像头 **/ function tryToExam() { // 逐一收集答案 (async () => { let questions = document.querySelectorAll(".e-q"); console.log("考题总数: " + questions.length); for (let question of questions) { let title = question.querySelector(".e-q-q").textContent.trim(); let options = question.querySelectorAll(".e-a"); let answers = GM_getValue(title, ""); console.log("title: " + title); console.log("answers: " + answers); if (answers) { var answerIndexs = convertAnswersToIndex(answers); console.log(answerIndexs); for (let answer_index of answerIndexs) { options[answer_index].click(); await wait(500); } }else { if (question.querySelector(".e-blank-e")) { throw new Error("Stopped JavaScript."); } } } doExam() })(); } /** * 尝试答题 **/ function tryToAnswer() { let noAnswerQuestionCounter = 0; // 找不到答案的题目数量 let btns = document.querySelectorAll(".e-save>a"); if (btns.length != 1 || btns[0].textContent == '重做') { console.log("已确认,非一个按钮,目前不在答题页"); console.log("退出运行"); return; } console.log("已确认,一个按钮,目前在答题页"); // 逐一收集答案 (async () => { let questions = document.querySelectorAll(".e-q"); for (let question of questions) { let title = question.querySelector(".e-q-q").textContent.trim(); let options = question.querySelectorAll(".e-a"); let answers = GM_getValue(title, ""); console.log("title: " + title); console.log("answers: " + answers); if (answers) { var answerIndexs = convertAnswersToIndex(answers); console.log(answerIndexs); for (let answer_index of answerIndexs) { options[answer_index].click(); await wait(500); } } else { noAnswerQuestionCounter += 1; if (question.querySelector(".e-blank-e")) { throw new Error("Stopped JavaScript."); } } } SubmitForCollectAnswers(); })(); } /** * 提交,为了收集答案 * * 通过提交来获取 * - 点击提交按钮 **/ function SubmitForCollectAnswers() { document.querySelector("div.e-save>a").click(); // 提交答案 (async () => { await wait(3000); document.querySelectorAll(".ui-MDialog-bottom>button")[0].click(); // 保存最高分 })(); } function collectAnswers() { let btns = document.querySelectorAll(".e-save>a"); if (btns.length != 2 && btns[0].textContent != "重做") { console.log("已确认,非两个按钮,目前不在错题答案页"); console.log("退出运行"); return; } var currentLi console.log("已确认,两个按钮,目前在错题答案页"); if (parseInt(document.querySelector(".totalscore em").textContent.trim()) >= 90) { document.getElementsByClassName('sectionlist btn_dropdown')[0].click() setInterval(function(){ var li_list = document.getElementsByTagName('li') for (var i = 0; i < li_list.length; i++) { if(li_list[i].className == 'current') { currentLi = i console.log('i',i) } } li_list[currentLi+3].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].click() li_list('li')[currentLi+4].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].click() },2000) return; } // 逐一收集答案 let questions = document.querySelectorAll(".e-q"); for (let question of questions) { let title = question.querySelector(".e-q-q").textContent.trim(); try { // 问答题 let answers = question.querySelector(".e-ans-r").textContent.trim(); if (!GM_getValue(title, "")) { console.log("save question answer: " + title); GM_setValue(title, answers) } } catch (e) { continue } } (async () => { await wait(3000); if (btns.length == 2) { btns[1].click(); } else { btns[0].click(); } })(); } /* * document.querySelector(".positiveSolution").textContent * "【答案】C " * * document.querySelector(".positiveSolution").textContent.trim().split("】")[1] * "C" * * 选择: * document.querySelectorAll(".question-option .mark")[3].click() * * 提交: * document.querySelectorAll("button.ivu-btn-primary")[0].click() * * 关闭,同上: * document.querySelectorAll("button.ivu-btn-primary")[0].click() */ function answerQuestion() { let answers = document.querySelector(".positiveSolution").textContent.trim().split("】")[1]; let numAnswers = convertAnswersToIndex(answers); for (let index of numAnswers) { document.querySelectorAll(".question-option .mark")[index].click() } (async () => { // 提交 await wait(1000); document.querySelectorAll("button.ivu-btn-primary")[0].click() // 关闭 await wait(1000); document.querySelectorAll("button.ivu-btn-primary")[0].click() })(); } function convertAnswersToIndex(answers) { let numAnswers = []; for (let item of answers.split("、")) { if (!item) { continue; } if (item == 'A' || item == '正确') { numAnswers.push(0); } else if (item == 'B' || item == '错误') { numAnswers.push(1); } else if (item == 'C') { numAnswers.push(2); } else if (item == 'D') { numAnswers.push(3); } else if (item == 'E') { numAnswers.push(4); } else if (item == 'F') { numAnswers.push(5); } } return numAnswers; } function wait(ms) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { console.log("Done waiting"); resolve(ms) }, ms) }) } function addStatusBoard() { $( '
' + '
' + '


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